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Monday, January 4, 2010 9:19 PM

I've moved! :)

Monday, December 28, 2009 3:36 PM

I've been such a bad owner of this space, neglecting it for more than a month. Longest record to date. I've been so busy and lazy to commit some time to it. Now, I'm at such a loss, where to start!

Exams finished earlier this month, after that was PLAY and PLAY and PLAY. :)

I've watched far too many movies this month!
Ninja Assassin
Bodyguards and Assassins
Feng Yun II
Alvin and The Chipmunks II

Love the christmasy feeling; buying gifts (burning holes in pocket) as well as receiving gifts!
Thank you all lovely people for all the presents, regardless big or small.
It's a season of <3, and I'm glad I received so much! :)

Found this super random photo in my phone. The day bf fetched me in a laokokkok Merc. Haha thanks to bc!
Pauline's wedding at Furama.
Pretty Christmas cake at my aunty's.
Cute collage by my aunt and photos taken by the little prodigy.
F21 at 313 Somerset! Shopaholic's heaven. I've contributed to it thrice since it's opening. Haha.

M1, while bro's getting his bb.

Check out cute Rudolph card by me! He won't be very happy if I show his face, hence the brown smiley!

And presenting the bb gang.
I got the black jumpsuit (left) over the faux leather skirt (right) for DnD next month.
Now I need lots of accesories to glam it up!
Can I borrow accessories from anyone!!?

And lastly, for those who has not seen me for a while...


Tuesday, November 10, 2009 11:22 PM

I haven been diligent in updating this little space of mine.
Too many things happened, good and bad, since the last post.

Too little time + energy to go over them again.

I vaguely remember we had a huge row that particular night; I cried bitterly in the middle of some street in geylang.

I was facing some difficulties at work. (I am still..)

I was struggling with a test.

I had fun every weekend with bf including the past sunday spent painting his room.

Some photos that I like from recent happenings!

Cousins' bday chalet. Photos from my action sampler!

A little chilling out at Villa Bali.

Company lunch at The Chevrons. These are the people behind the IR proj for Universal Studios, where we did Lost World, Jurassic Park and Egypt.
The cute ang moh; director of Pico-Sanderson.
He who kept snapping photos of me everywhere like paparazzi.

He who's infatuated with me that day -__- Asked for email, etc.. I didn't know I could be such a hit among Thais.
She who had taught me alot since I joined.
She who never fails to crack me up on a bad day at work.

:) Life's been so far so good, how's yours?

Monday, October 26, 2009 4:10 PM

I just choked on my own tears.

Thursday, October 22, 2009 10:15 PM

"The most challenging part of this is to ensure precision in the execution of the entire event. It has to work like clockwork and we cannot afford to have any fumbles," said Jean Chia, managing director, Pico Art International and Organiser of APEC Singapore Evening.

That's what MDs are for; to make such impressive statements. Haha.

I'm feeling very stressed over school + work. :(
Tonight is the night; to finish my parts for both modules. I keep telling myself not to get distracted. I'll give it my best shot, since I'm prepared to forgo my sleep.
Wished for days like this to be over soon, but thinking of it, I think I still have a long way to go.

Am so looking forward to a crazy party night with the girls. Social House please....

Dear J, if you're reading this, I'm sorry if the sms conveyed the wrong tone to you. I probably don't know you as well as you yourself does; if you think you wanna go for it, I'm happy for you. And T is damn blessed to have you back, tt's all I can say. Haha.
Meet up soon; for dinner, karaoke, drinking, whatever! :)